Takayama, Gifu Prefecture

A city that has become the largest city in Japan since 2005, Takayama, and its area is equivalent to entire Tokyo metropolis. Since Tayakama used to be a capital of Hida-no-kuni province, it is often called a small Kyoto of Hida Region.
The city of which the traditional merchants’ culture is still alive even today has various tourist attractions.

Shirakawa-go, Gifu Prefecture

The village of Shirakawa-go was registered as an UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site in 1995 for being “a remarkable example of the view or accumulations of a certain form of buildings and architectural techniques that illustrate the certain period of time, which is highly important in the history of human being. “
The center of the Gassho-zukuri communities is in the slightly northern side of the central area: Ogimachi District. You will learn the wisdom of traditional ways of living together with nature at the interactive facilities or historical museums of the local traditional cultures.